In case you haven't noticed, a very public crucifixion is in progress not only here in the United States but all around the globe and the insurgent this time is Donald J. Trump.
Love him or hate him as there appears to be no in-between for this particular slaughter, the violence surrounding him makes one wonder why he just doesn't say "F*ck it - who needs this?" and go back to his enormously successful life of comfort and wealth (despite what the pundits tell you) in the interest of his own and his family's personal safety.
I could go into a very detailed analysis of all of this but much has been done already in snippets that if combined would make something Freud would be proud of but I'm not. Instead, I'm just going to shake my head in abject disgust and once again caution you that the media in this country is about as corrupt as it gets; that the Congress is too and that the elites running the show make Red Reddington look like Captain Kangaroo. I wonder what it is that lets people hoping for changes in their lives think the solution ought to be violent and out of control, mob mentality rabid behaviors? If I want peace, should I pick up a sword and stab my neighbor? If I want to be noted and respected, should I scream and shout and gesture obscenely to the person standing quietly next to me? Can someone please explain this to me?
When this kind of crap happens, I end up with a sense of outrage at the perpetrators of such behavior and ultimately wind up angered and frustrated beyond words to the point I want to grab them myself and put them in a padded OR LOCKED cell until they can demonstrate appropriate and in control behaviors. Never do I look at them and say oh, wow - ya, man, let's talk about your issues and I'll see what I can do to help you fix them.
That is why Donald Trump is a far better human being than this sick society will give him credit for and that is why he is the only one I can consider strong, courageous and extremely big-hearted.
Plus, he's not Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Hillary Clinton and God save us, Bernie Sanders.
Any questions? Shame on everyone who has participated in this as a player or spectator. We were already in a downhill spiral but this bullshit just put our descent on steroids. God help us.
That Was CNN
7 years ago