A place for spiritual, political, psychological musings...an exchange of expressions...a sharing of thoughts and ideas - mostly irreverently!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Mary Travers
Thank you, sister, friend and mentor for a lifetime of treasures that I could never express fittingly in words. There's a searing pain in my heart today for your family, Peter, Noel Paul and your global family who understood the light you brought to this world. To think I will never see you perform again is mitigated only by the knowledge that it is through your music that your message and spirit will live through all the generations you have inspired. I'd like to think that your "Johnny" Denver is with you this moment singing a new harmony with a new verse to "Leavin' On a Jet Plane" with children gathered 'round you as the bells of freedom toll in the distance.
You will live forever in my heart. "Such as gift has been given that can never be taken away." - JD
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