To Benjamin Franklin:
Dear Mr. Franklin,
I regret to inform you in response to your observation regarding our form of government, “a republic if you can keep it,” that we failed to do so and have been overtaken by those who have transformed us into a banana republic embracing socialism, communism, totalitarianism, fascism, corporatism, whatever you want to call it. It doesn’t matter; the ending is the same.
For 12 years, many stayed asleep as the values and founding principles, including those you embraced in the precious, living document you so carefully and wisely crafted, were insidiously and deliberately destroyed. A nefarious and sinister cabal seized control of all 3 branches of government and every institution we once respected.
We immersed ourselves in reckless delight and entertainment provided by Big Tech giants we handed our brains over to and granted permission to manipulate and brainwash our minds into a mass stupor some were never able to wake from. Lies, deceit and fraud were our undoing which, as you know, sir, are the foundation that allows evil to thrive.
I am so profoundly heartbroken and sorry and I’m glad you and your fellow patriots are not here to see it. We can only hope and pray that somewhere, somehow, we will find new leaders who share the kind of wisdom, fundamental integrity and dedication to truth that you did.
But I’d like you to know that We the People will continue to fight for freedom and liberty from the tyrannical forces that overcame us in the end and we will work tirelessly and unceasingly to rid ourselves of all those we entrusted our representation to, legally and peacefully, just as our best and beloved 45th president told us. When all is said and done, the sentiment remains alive; “give me liberty or give me death.”