Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Lock Her Up Already!!!

She was born for this. One singular vision. Never a doubt; no earthly reason to. Every waking moment spent imagining what it would be like; how would it feel in that one moment in time...the moment when the glass shards would fall around her in their final descent from the the the ground she worshipped simply because she walked on it.

All around her knew her destiny and were willingly and unwillingly pressed into her service. No stone was left unturned; no task overlooked - at least the first time which was a mere rehearsal. But even if it were, it would not, could not matter because she deserved this. She was entitled. She owned this moment by virtue of her appointed destiny with greatness. She was special; ordinary rules and laws applied only to the lesser among her who were the All. No consequence ever needed consideration. No sin too serious to commit or unable to be hidden underneath the veneer covering the lies, the greed, the evil boiling beneath the surface. Her favor could only be bought - never earned and at prices only princes and kings could afford. But she was worth it.

For those who couldn’t afford the honor of her presence, servitude and slavery were acceptable currency. Her needs were there to be met by any means possible because after all, the world was waiting for her ascension to the throne. The scribes duly reported; the jesters and fools entertained. Those who fell from her favor were dealt with swiftly and sometimes fatally depending upon the degree of their defiance and severity of their perceived crime against her. No one dared to cross her for fear of their own fate. Collateral damage is acceptable and understood in the devil’s domain of war, power, money and greed.

But in the dark night of the soulless, it was not meant to be. There were those who stayed intent upon the light who as in generation after generation fought and sometimes died for the sacred gifts of life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and the holiness of truth; all of which she had forsaken on her journey to all things Profane. She blinked and they made their move, ripping her dream to shreds.  In the end, the only glass that was broken were the cracks indelibly etched in the blackened mirror her dead eyes gazed into reflecting back at her the horror of who she really is.

She lost. She will never get over it. Nor will her true believers. There is no redemption for evil; it simply is.

But.  It can be overcome and conquered. And it will be. Because light overcomes the dark. Good always overcomes bad. Faith, hope and love will triumph and claim victory from those who call the swamp their home. They will be drowned in their own filth, their lies and their perversions. They know who they are and are now ruled by Fear. Fear that they will finally be brought to the grace of God, by our commitment to each other and our country and a man who promised he will not let us down.

She tried to take our home from us.

She failed.

Thank God.

And THAT, Hillary Clinton, is “what happened.”

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