The Deep State and their tools, mainstream media and members of Congress on BOTH sides of the aisle are panicked because the dots are being connected AND because President Trump is ON. TO. IT. ALL. which is WHY they must get him out of office. National security has been compromised with Pelosi’s impeachment stunt (not to mention Spygate) because they have weaponized and politicized our ENTIRE system of justice and the Constitution. The media is hiding the truth from us because what they have done is SO dastardly. It doesn’t get much worse than trying to take down a duly elected President of the United States BECAUSE the candidate to protect these players who want total control over our lives, shockingly lost the election.
The corruption in our government is almost too vast and deep to understand but luckily, diligent, dedicated patriots have worked VERY hard to find the truth. NO mainstream outlet...not ONE (except for a very few) is telling us the extent of it and they’re banking on our ignorance. If Donald Trump fails at exposing and draining this swamp surrounded by quicksand, the United States of America is over. He has done NOTHING wrong or illegal. Mueller proved that and now the Ukraine transcript has done the same. Let me say that again...if we do not support this president and his Herculean efforts to clean out our government, we are done. Over. DO YOU HEAR ME, MY NON-POLITICAL FRIENDS HERE?? OVER. You need only look at the leftist, socialist candidates to know that. Who want to raise your taxes. Give health insurance and free education to ILLEGALS. Rob you of your social security. Your god-given right to self defense while they employ armed guards. The new green deal. Redistribute your wealth and so it goes.
We MUST unite behind this man who has taken more slings and arrows that are humanly imaginable. I don’t care WHAT party you think you’re in. It is us against them. Simple as that. This is a battle between good and evil. We knew Donald Trump was not perfect. But we knew his strength, his vision, his courage and yes, his LOVE for this country is what mattered...the very things they hate him for. Because if we do not unite and stand with this president NOW, blood in the streets will be the LEAST of our problems. Turn off your mainstream news. They’re part of the swamp. It is always darkest before the dawn which it is now and I am begging those not paying attention to wake up and use your OWN eyes and ears to guide you to the truth.
As the history of the blog demonstrates, I was once a liberal. BEFORE liberalism morphed into radical leftist progressivism, socialism, it what you will. It all ends up at the same destination: loss of personal liberty and government control over every aspect of our lives. Someone recently asked me why is it that normal people (if you find one, let me know) can’t seem to recognize the dire straits we’re in. The best I could offer was that I certainly have no answers but think maybe a combination of contributing factors not limited to our substandard education system hijacked by liberals, weak and/or abusive parenting, the effects of purposeful media brainwashing to a population glued to digital screens, apathy, inability for support systems to recognize mental illness and deal with it ASAP, lack of leadership mentors, low-lying depression resulting from constant barrages of Armageddon, lethargy secondary to obesity because of the crimes of the food industry, lack of a spiritual belief system, insane gender reclassification but who is looking at the root causes when we’re on the brink (and make no mistake...we are) of civil war? A whole other topic for another day. My heart is breaking. My country is on life support and unless we recognize and support and TRUST the brilliance of one man who has given up the ALL to fight for us as he and his family are crucified daily by the corrupt legacy, mockingbird media, we are screwed. And we have no one to blame but ourselves.
Put the hatred’s going to kill you eventually so do it for your health...for your children. Swallow your pride if you made a colossal mistake in voting. The media’s purposeful brainwashing is very hard to resist. Do NOT abdicate your intellect to people who wish to do you harm. That is the first step to selling your soul.