A place for spiritual, political, psychological musings...an exchange of expressions...a sharing of thoughts and ideas - mostly irreverently!
By Uppity Woman
Site: http://uppitywoman08.wordpress.com
About: See Authors Posts (157) on October 17, 2008 at 2:10 PM in Acorn, Barack Obama, Bill Ayers, Bolshevikization, Campaign Financing, Campaign promises, Chicago politics, Hamas, Housing Crisis, Joe The Plumber, Ohio, Rashid Khalidi, Supreme Court, Tony Rezko, Uppity Woman, Weather Underground, William Ayers
I’m sitting here thinking that ACORN is committing in-your-face voter registration fraud all over the country,
Barack Obama paid ACORN more than $800,000 via one of their hundreds of subsidiaries operating out of the same address. The purpose: To “Get Out The Vote”. He trained early little ACORNS when they were just little nuts in Chicago–and denies it with his typical pathological liar dexterity.
Fannie Mae was the biggest fraud perpetrated upon America’s economy by the worst of criminals–members of congress,
Fannie Mae’s former CEO walked off with $90 million dollars as a reward for cooking their books and bringing down America,
Barack Obama has collected money from the brothers who live at a Hamas Compound and didn’t bother reporting it to the FEC,
AIG went on yet another trip on taxpayer money–this time to hunt partridge in England,
Nobody cares that Barack Obama is lying about his relationship with a domestic terrorist who still hates America and cannot wait to get his talons even further in the Subversion of America’s education.
Nobody notices that several additional members of the former Weather Underground are working hard to get Barack Obama elected.
Even more ironic, the Ohio Secretary of State needs the Supreme Court to tell her to do her job and allow the counties in Ohio to check several hundred thousand ACORN voter registrations to see if any of them is actually legitimate.
So who are they skewering? Why, Joe the Plumber of Course! A Wrench to the head for him! He questioned The One.
The Breaking News is that Joe isn’t a licensed plumber. And he was obviously a Plant! Obama showed up in Joe’s neighbhorhood and started talking to everybody while they Worshipped, and this guy Joe found out he was going to be there so he obviously moved into a house there really fast so he could pretend to be a resident and could be a plant! Yeah! That’s it…….
So Joe asked him a question like he wasn’t supposed to. He was just supposed to worship. Only it wasn’t a question The One wanted to hear.
And he’s a Republican, which I am assuming they regard as some kind of disease or something. I mean, inquiring minds want to know, Barack. Are you only planning to be President of the left wing of the left wing of the Democratic Party, Communists, Marxists, ex-terrorists and deadbeats? Or do you plan on getting rid of everybody else? You know, people who actually pay taxes and things? Just wondering.
After all, this Joe The Plumber thing is critical stuff! No sense of covering something trivial, like say, Obama’s Old Friend and political fixer Tony Rezko, the shameful slum lord who bilked the taxpayers out of millions to “restore” buildings as living quarters for the poor–but instead turned off the heat and allowed family pets in the form of rats–while Barack Obama looked the other way.
Why bother worrying about Obama’s connections to Rashid Khalidi, former PLO member. when you can check into Joe The Plumber and hit him with his own basin wrench for disturbing The One’s reverie?
Why bother looking into why an Iraqi prison escapee with a mansion in Chicago would contribute to Barack Obama’s campaign when you can tell the world that Joe The Plumber isn’t licensed yet?
All that other stuff is just plain trivial. What’s important is, Joe The Plumber. Why? Well because, it’s not nice to question The One Joe!!!! You made him look foolish, man. That can be downright hazardous.
Deflect. Re-route. Change the subject to something else. It’s what the Obama campaign is all about. Ask them about his terrorist buddies and hear an answer about the weather (scuse the pun). Mention ducks and hear about bears. Deflect, Deflect, Deflect. And if you can’t do that, just kill the messenger.
Congratulations Joe, you are the perfect example of what an Obama Presidency would be like. Complain, show doubt, ask a question, and plan to suffer for it. And get that American Dream crap right out of your head, Joe. That’s a Flusher under an Obama Administration. We need to all be the same, Joe. You know, you fail, I gotta fail too. It’s the Socialist Way, Comrade.
But don’t worry about taxes in the future fella! When they are done with you , you won’t be paying ANY taxes, because you won’t be working! The Secretary of State of your state will toot right along, complicit with voter fraud for The One, but you, Joe…..you are doomed, you bad boy you! You evil person! You don’t even make $250,000 a year, Joe! But don’t worry, you never will when they are done with you.
Now, I have a suggestion for you, Joe. I hear you work 10-12 hours a day. Why bother working so hard, Joe? What you can do if Barack Obama is President is just work enough to make sure you pay no taxes after your write-offs. Then sit and wait for the IRS to give you a check! What a deal, Joe! We’re all going to do it. It’s going to be the Great unAmerican Giveaway!
Get with it Comrade! And for goodness sakes, stop asking questions, will you? It annoys Comrade Obama and gets in the way of the Glorious Cause. That freedom and Democracy stuff is all over-rated anyways. That’s why millions upon millions of immigrants came here to get away from guys just like Barack Obama.
‘‘If you believed (Obama), I’d be receiving his tax cuts,’’ Wurzelbacher said. ‘‘But I don’t look at it that way. He’d still be hurting others.’’
Not as much as he’s gonna hurt YOU, Joe. Your question made The One gaffe. That’s a No-No. You’re toast, fella.
Meanwhile. off to the Re-education camp with you, Joe!
Found in downtown San DiegoUppity Woman writes today that Obama’s ground SS is becoming more brazen under the guise of “Truth Squad”. Now Obama is demanding that the NRA not be allowed to run ads against him.
Does any of this smack of another time and another Charismatic to any of you? Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Listen to his tone. Watch his face. This is not the man he pretends to be and he does everything in his power to make certain we know nothing about him that he doesn’t want us to know. To Barack Obama, all things about him are called out as lies, even when they are the truth.
Obama has locked up records about himself. He has no paper trail. None whatsoever. He has viciously refused vetting or questioning. He blocks all efforts to expose his true relationships with some very frightening associates. Debunking of items in his books go unpublicized. His lies are exposed, only to be limited to the internet and, in some cases, FOX News. Barack Obama is systematically effecting a blackout of all things that threaten his reign. He is turning America into Chicago. Barack Obama didn’t vote in favor of FISA for nothing. He is definitely a FISA kind of guy.
Barack Obama has written Cease and Desist letters to TV stations in Ohio and Pennsylvania to block the airing of NRA Ads.
The NRA has a special web site (GunBanObama.com) set up for readers to see their outraged stance on the latest Obama attempt to trample on the 1st Amendment and stifle opposition. Obama has threatened TV stations in Ohio and Pennsylvania with Cease and Desist letters before the NRA ads have even been run!
Do you understand what is going on here?
You know, I’ve never belonged to the NRA, but never in my life have I found the 2nd Amendment to be as important as it seems to be during this election cycle with this horrifying FISA-loving rights-stifling candidate and his sycophants who would round us all up in a flash.
We saw his attempts in Missouri to misuse the law to stifle the 1st Amendment. Now we find he is intimidating TV stations with cease and desist letters. Somebody must put a stop to this man’s SS behavior in the midst of the most horrendous media truth-blackout I have ever seen. Barack Obama must be called out and called out loudly by the Law for intimidation tactics that attempt to black out further any information that does not come from him. This is downright frightening. This is a very frightening Communist we have running for office and keeping The Truth from the people with his faux Truth Squad. There is very little difference between what he is doing and Hitler’s Schutzstaffel. In fact, the only thing missing so far is the round-up of citizens.
I guess early on when he said on National TV that “They had better watch it” if someone discredited him, he wasn’t kidding. We had better watch out all right. We had better watch out and make sure this man is not elected in a Democratic society he clearly does not fit into or respect.
Here is NRA’s letter to the TV stations Obama has intimidated. Go to their site and show them support. This is not about whether you support guns are not. This is about the 1st Amendment right of others. When we take the rights of others away, we remove our own rights! Make sure everybody you know hears what he is doing in places like Missouri, Ohio and Pennsylvania! They won’t hear it on MSNBC or CNN!
From GunBanObama.com:
9/25/2008 - Fairfax, VA-Sen. Barack Obama’s presidential campaign has sent threatening letters to news agencies in Pennsylvania and Ohio to stop airing ads exposing his anti-gun record sponsored by the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF).
The kicker? NRA-PVF’s Ohio’s ads have not yet begun running.
“Barack Obama and his campaign are terrified of the truth,” declared Chris W. Cox, Chairman of NRA-PVF. “Sen. Obama’s statements and support for restricting access to firearms, raising taxes on guns and ammunition and voting against the use of firearms for self-defense in the home are a matter of public record. NRA-PVF will make sure that everyone knows of Obama’s abysmal record on guns and hunting.”
The Obama campaign sent cease and desist letters to news outlets in Pennsylvania and Ohio, denouncing the ads and demanding their removal from the airwaves. All stations where NRA-PVF has purchased or plans to purchase ads have been provided with documented evidence of Sen. Obama’s anti-gun record.
Obama Campaign Cease and Desist Letter
NRA-PVF Response to Washington Post “fact check”
“Barack Obama would be the most anti-gun president in our nation’s history. That’s the truth,” concluded Cox. “NRA-PVF has the facts on our side. No amount of running from or lying about his record and then intimidating news outlets in the hope of deceiving American gun owners and hunters is going to work. Those strong arm tactics may work in Chicago, but not in Pennsylvania and Ohio, and not as long as NRA-PVF has anything to say about it.”
As I have already said, but it bears repeating:
Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid. While Obama constantly implies that others will try to “scare” us about him (using the Race Card as backup, ad nauseum), it is HE who is doing a great job of scaring us as to exactly how much Democracy is in danger under this fascist who can only behave worse in power as the leader of the Free World.
Barack Obama is using SS tactics and ongoing legal threats to intimidate people and black out all dissent. His goal is to see to it that only his propaganda is in the public eye and all other opinions and opposition are blacked out. We already know that much of the MSM has capitulated to this man who reminds so many of us of a Charismatic of another time and place. Fight back or lose your Democracy under this mysterious candidate who is publicly beloved (with contributions!) by Hamas and every underground anti-democracy fringe party in America.1
Question: Where do we go when the Truth Squad lies? Yesterday, it was abuse of Missouri law enforcement. Today it is the NRA. Tomorrow, it will be every blog that is not for the advancement of this Still virtually Unknown and Unvetted Man.
Do you understand what this man is up to? And if so, have you done your very best to make sure that others, everyone you know, knows? Because what we are seeing is a Preview, folks.
Stay awake! Use your feet and your voice everywhere while you still have a voice!
Here’s the ad Obama wants to ban. “Hunter,” September 23, 2008.
Flashback NRA ad: “Bitter Gun Owners,” May 21, 2008.
IMPORTANT ACTION ALERT: RBO reader Ronnie sends along this very important information. There is now an official Obama Truth Squad Incident Report form to report violations directly to the Obama campaign.
Notes: 1 — Also see RBO’s September 2008 articles on Obama’s “progressive” backers.
My representative as just been informed that she, Rosa DeLauro, has lost my vote. The rhetoric she just delivered on the House floor was lovely, superb in fact. BUT, MRS DELAURO, YOU MISSED THE WHOLE POINT...JUST AS YOU HAVE MISSED IT WHEN I BEGGED YOU TO put Impeachment BACK ON THE TABLE by talking sense to your buddy, Pelosi.
Well, enough is enough.
Dodd, you are on notice as well. BAILOUT EQUALS SELLOUT...and should you proceed with this dastardly act on the Senate floor, so long and good luck to you too. OUT, OUT, OUT WITH YOU TOO!!!
Chad Livengood • clivengood@news-
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. — Gov. Matt Blunt and Republicans are accusing Barack Obama’s campaign of assembling a “truth squad” with law enforcement officials to intimidate Obama critics from speaking out against the Democratic presidential candidate.
Yet a top Republican National Committee official admits the Democratic prosecutors from across Missouri “haven’t specifically said” they would use their prosecutorial powers on Obama’s behalf. Using his taxpayer-funded press office to level a political attack, Blunt issued a statement Saturday to denounce the unproven allegations. “What Senator Obama and his helpers are doing is scandalous beyond words, the party that claims to be the party of Thomas Jefferson is abusing the justice system and offices of public trust to silence political criticism with threats of prosecution and criminal punishment,” Blunt said in a written statement.
The turmoil in the capital markets is bad news and is forcing each candidate to reassess their current pronouncements on the economy. So, let’s ask some questions. Of the two candidates for President, who got the most money from the two financial giants now in the news–Lehman Brothers and AIG?
McCain received $117,500 from Lehman Bros.
Obama received $370,524 from Lehman Bros.
How about AIG?
John McCain got $36,875 from AIG
Barack Obama raked in $75,899 (+205%)
Got that? Barack Obama, the guy who supposedly is not beholden to special interests, took three times as much money from Lehman Brothers and more than twice as much from AIG.
Gee, and who did the now Government financed mortgage broker Fannie Mae give its money to when it wanted to influence a politician?
OpenSecrets lists the top three politicians in which FNMA “invested” from 1989 to 2008.
Top Recipients of Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Campaign Contributions, 1989-2008Name Office State Party Grand Total
Dodd, Christopher S CT D $165,400
Obama, Barack S IL D $126,349 ($6000 came from the PAC)
Kerry, John S MA D $111,000
What about McCain?
The folks at Fannie Mae didn’t show him a lot of love. According to Open Secrets:
McCain, John S AZ R $21,550 (all from individuals).
Oh yeah, and who tabbed the former head of Fannie Mae to head up his Vice Presidential search team? OBAMA, that’s who. Back in May Barack turned to Jim Johnson, former CEO of Fannie Mae. Who is Johnson?
Johnson served as Fannie Mae CEO from 1991 to 1998 and has a long history in both Washington politics and business. He served on the boards of numerous companies, including The Goldman Sachs Group, KB Home, and Target Corporation, and has been Vice Chairman of Perseus LLC. He also was a corporate finance managing director for Lehman Brothers. He was an executive assistant for Vice President Walter Mondale (1977-1981) and a U.S. Senate staff member. Johnson also helped screen running mates for Democratic presidential nominees Walter Mondale in 1984 and John Kerry in 2004.
When it came time for a tough decision who did Barack turn to? A former community organizer per chance? Hell no! He went with the inside the beltway uber lobbyist.
So, Obama bots, save your sanctimonious bullshit. When it comes to cozying up to big players and wealthy Wall Street types smack in the middle of the lastest scandals and crises, Barack Obama is in a league of his own. That is “change” you want to believe in? What a goddamned joke!!
Deal with reality, John McCain wisely was not in bed with these guys. Will the media ask Barack to explain? Probably not.
And to further drive home the point (hat tip to ivet for the link) here is John McCain back in 2006 railing against the power of lobbyists like Fannie Mae:
The OFHEO report also states that Fannie Mae used its political power to lobby Congress in an effort to interfere with the regulator’s examination of the company’s accounting problems. This report comes some weeks after Freddie Mac paid a record $3.8 million fine in a settlement with the Federal Election Commission and restated lobbying disclosure reports from 2004 to 2005. These are entities that have demonstrated over and over again that they are deeply in need of reform.
For years I have been concerned about the regulatory structure that governs Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac–known as Government-sponsored entities or GSEs–and the sheer magnitude of these companies and the role they play in the housing market. OFHEO’s report this week does nothing to ease these concerns. In fact, the report does quite the contrary. OFHEO’s report solidifies my view that the GSEs need to be reformed without delay.
I join as a cosponsor of the Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005, S. 190, to underscore my support for quick passage of GSE regulatory reform legislation. If Congress does not act, American taxpayers will continue to be exposed to the enormous risk that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pose to the housing market, the overall financial system, and the economy as a whole.
McCain’s last comment should lead his next batch of Presidential ads. Where was Barack? He was taking Fannie Mae money. Any questions?
This is Treason!
WHILE Barack Obama has publicly campaigned for a speedy withdrawal of US troops from Iraq — in secret private discussions, Obama has tried to persuade Iraqi leaders to delay an agreement on a draw-down of the American military presence.
By asking Iraqi leaders to delay a withdrawal plan, Barack Obama hopes to make the GOP look bad so that he can get elected.
Never mind the consequences. Kill the kids, but get me my throne.
Here’s how Obama, the national security neophyte with no military or foreign policy experience, tried to play the big boys’ game:
First you tell them on the phone: Don’t worry. I’m just as good as McCain.
On June 18, 2008 the Washington post published and editorial titled:
Mr. Zebari’s Message
Iraq’s foreign minister has a chat with Barack Obama.
SEN. BARACK OBAMA told Iraq’s foreign minister this week that he plans to visit the country between now and the presidential election. We think that’s a good thing.. because it will give Mr. Obama an opportunity to refresh his badly outdated plan for Iraq. To do that, the Democrat needs to listen more to dedicated Iraqi leaders like Hoshyar Zebari, the foreign minister..
Mr. Obama laid out his current strategy for Iraq in November 2006, shortly before announcing his candidacy for president. .. Nineteen months later, the situation in Iraq has changed dramatically, with violence down 75 percent from its peak and the Iraqi government and army in control of most of the country. But Mr. Obama has not altered his position: He still proposes withdrawing most U.S. troops according to a fixed timetable..
Earlier, in June, Obama called Zebari:
Mr. Zebari said he told Mr. Obama that “Iraq is not an island.” In other words, an American withdrawal that destabilized the country would also roil the region around it and embolden U.S. adversaries such as al-Qaeda and Iran. “We have a deadly enemy,” Mr. Zebari said. “When he sees that you commit yourself to a certain timetable, he will use this to increase pressure and attacks, to make it look as though he is forcing you out. We have many actors who would love to take advantage of that opportunity.” Mr. Zebari says he believes U.S. forces can and should be drawn down. His point is that reductions should be made gradually, as the Iraqi army becomes stronger.
The foreign minister said “my message” to Mr. Obama “was very clear. . . . Really, we are making progress. I hope any actions you will take will not endanger this progress.” He said he was reassured by the candidate’s response, which caused him to think that Mr. Obama might not differ all that much from Mr. McCain. Mr. Zebari said that in addition to promising a visit, Mr. Obama said that “if there would be a Democratic administration, it will not take any irresponsible, reckless, sudden decisions or action to endanger your gains, your achievements, your stability or security. Whatever decision he will reach will be made through close consultation with the Iraqi government and U.S. military commanders in the field.” Certainly, it makes sense to consult with those who, like Mr. Zebari, have put their lives on the line for an Iraq that would be a democratic U.S. ally. Mr. Obama ought to listen carefully to what they are saying.
Then, face to face and behind closed doors, you propose a totally different track.
Today, September 15, 2008, Amir Taheri writes in the New York Post
WHILE campaigning in public for a speedy withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, Sen. Barack Obama has tried in private to persuade Iraqi leaders to delay an agreement on a draw-down of the American military presence.
According to Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, Obama made his demand for delay a key theme of his discussions with Iraqi leaders in Baghdad in July.
“He asked why we were not prepared to delay an agreement until after the US elections and the formation of a new administration in Washington,” Zebari said in an interview.
“However, as an Iraqi, I prefer to have a security agreement that regulates the activities of foreign troops, rather than keeping the matter open.” Zebari says.
I am going to repeat one line above. “delay an agreement until after the US elections..”
Though it may be coached with the argument that a weak Bush administration should not be negotiating anything, it is not realistic to just shut down the country down until Obama becomes king. Yes, congress should have a say, but where have Peolsi and Reid been on that front. Perhaps they believe it is better to loose life and limb and destroy more lives in the U.S. and Iraq than to loose an election.
Other prominent Iraqi leaders, such as Vice President Adel Abdul-Mahdi and Kurdish regional President Massoud Barzani, believe that Sen. John McCain would show “a more realistic approach to Iraqi issues.”
Obama has given Iraqis the impression that he doesn’t want Iraq to appear anything like a success, let alone a victory, for America.
Enough said. I remember the democrats, working just with rumors that G.H.W. Bush met with Iranian leaders in Paris during the 1980 elections in order to work an agreement to keep the hostages until after the new administration takes office, screaming from the rooftops: TREASON!
But this is not a rumor. This is a quote from Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari. This happened.
Obama asked him to not proceed with a withdrawal plan, so that the GOP will look bad and that he can get elected.
Kill the kids and give me my throne.